Red Tent

The Castlemaine Red tent is held on or close to the dark moon each month. Join the CASTLEMAINE RED TENT email list to find out about upcoming events ~ email Rachel at

Red Tents traditionally occurred on or near the New moon (Dark moon). It was a place for women and girls to rest, reflect and be supported by other women, (historically, before the invention of electricity, this was also when women’s menstrual cycle synced with the moon).

The Castlemaine Red tent began in 2015. It is a safe, welcoming, relaxed space for women to come together and share in circle. We meet once a month, on or near to the dark moon.


Whether you have your period, a menstrual cycle, or a womb, or not, the space is open to all women to gather and share. Women of all ages, backgrounds, and life situations are welcomed and honoured for their uniqueness at the Red Tent. There is no hierarchy, or teacher, however the space is held, by one or two women

You will be guided with a mediation, to connect with the earth and sky, the directions and each other, and become more present with yourself and in the space before circle begins.

Together we will co- create a safe container for sharing, with agreements we are all comfortable with before we begin.

Each woman takes a turns to share in circle, while the others give their presence to who and what is being said. There are questions to prompt sharing, around the cycles; of life, menstrual and lunar cycle, but you can share what feels right for you, and you don’t have to speak if you don’t want to

You do not need to rehearse what you’re going to say, just say what arises when the talking bowl arrives in your hands.
It is not a space for giving advice or judgment, but rather to sit and witness what arises.

We usually end with a Shamanic process like a Drum journey, occasionally a meditation, sometimes singing and drumming. This will vary from one circle to the next, depending on the unique constellation of souls who come together for that particular circle.


There are many reasons women come to red tent. Connection is at the heart of them all. Whether it is to connect in with your own menstrual cycle, other women, Ceremony, Stories or nature, all come with the intention for greater connection.

It is rare in our modern world to offer our full presence to someone as they speak, or receive it from another person. The talking circle is a place where we can gift that to each other.

Sharing in circle like this is a powerful way to connect to the wisdom within you. By both speaking and listening, there is opportunity to understand, transform or let go what we are holding on to.

Castlemaine Red Tent is inclusive of transgender women.

When we feel safe and held, in a place on non-judgement, we can drop the masks and be seen for who we really are. This takes vulnerability, which leads to connection.

In this place, one can “Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be; embrace who you are.” – Brene Brown

You are warmly invited to come along and experience the red tent if you fell drawn to. For Upcoming Dates check out our Facebook page